About Branches

Christian Youth Theater (CYT) operates across the nation through our licensed branches. Each CYT Branch delivers the CYT mission to their individual communities. Each branch is made up of a dedicated board of directors and leadership team, who work in partnership with our team at CYT National to promote the CYT values and objectives in their programs.


For decades, CYT has been developing character and creativity through quality theater arts training that brings families and communities together while reflecting Jesus. Every local Branch across the Nation started with an individual who had a passion, maybe even a calling, to build character, bring hope and express the Love of God to those who desperately need it. If you are ready to take the first step toward starting a CYT Branch, click below. We are here and ready to help!

Find A CYT Near You

There are currently 23 CYT Branches across the nation. Find a CYT Branch near you below!

Find a Show Near You

CYT Atlanta

CYT Atlanta was founded in 2003.

Facebook: @cytatlanta
Instagram: @cytatlanta

CYT Austin

CYT Austin was founded in 2015.

Facebook: @cytaustin
Instagram: @cytaustintx

CYT Baton Rouge

CYT Baton Rouge was founded in 2013.

Facebook: @cytbatonrouge
Instagram: @cytbatonrouge

CYT Chicago

CYT Chicago was founded in 1997.

Facebook: @cytheaterchicago
Instagram: @cyt_chicago

CYT Colorado Springs

CYT Colorado Springs was founded in 2020.

Facebook: @cytcoloradosprings
Instagram: @cytcoloradosprings

CYT Dallas

CYT Dallas was founded in 2015.

Facebook: @cytdallasfortworth
Instagram: @cytdallas

CYT Fredericksburg

CYT Fredericksburg was founded in 2006.

Facebook: @cytfredburg
Instagram: @cytfredburg

CYT Houston

CYT Houston was founded in 2006.

Facebook: @cythouston
Instagram: @cythoustontx

CYT Lafayette

CYT Lafayette was founded in 2009.

Facebook: @cytlafayette
Instagram: @lafayettecyt

CYT Lake Charles

CYT Lake Charles was founded in 2017.

Facebook: @cytlakecharles
Instagram: @cytlakecharles

CYT Nashville

CYT Nashville was founded in 2012.

Facebook: @cytnashville
Instagram: @cytnashville

CYT North Idaho

CYT North Idaho was founded in 2007.

Facebook: @northidahocyt
Instagram: @cytnorthidaho

CYT Phoenix

CYT Phoenix was founded in 2006.

Facebook: @cytphoenix
Instagram: @cytphoenix

CYT Portland

CYT Portland was founded in 2013.

Facebook: @cytportland
Instagram: @cytportlandvancouver

CYT Sacramento

CYT Sacramento was founded in 2012.

Facebook: @cytsacramento
Instagram: @cytsacramento

CYT San Antonio

CYT San Antonio was founded in 2011.

Facebook: @cytsanewbraunfels
Instagram: @cytsanantonio

CYT San Diego

CYT San Diego was founded in 1980.

Facebook: @christianyouththeatersandiego
Instagram: @cytsandiego

CYT Santa Cruz

CYT Santa Cruz was founded in 2011.

Facebook: @cytsantacruz
Instagram: @cytsantacruz

CYT Spokane

CYT Spokane was founded in 1998.

Facebook: @cytspokane
Instagram: @cytspokane

CYT Springfield

CYT Springfield was founded in 2024.

Facebook: @cytspringfield
Instagram: @cytspringfield

CYT Tampa Bay

CYT Tampa Bay was founded in 2024.

Facebook: @cyttampabay
Instagram: @cyttampabay

CYT Tri-Valley

CYT Tri Valley was founded in 2014.

Facebook: @cyttrivalley
Instagram: @cyttrivalley

CYT Tucson

CYT Tucson was founded in 2005.

Facebook: @cyttucson
Instagram: @cyttucsonaz

CYT National

Mailing Address:
PO BOX 350194
Jacksonville, FL 32235

Phone: 1-877-CYT-5678

This contact form will connect you to a member of the CYT National Staff Team. Email us today!

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